
Updated on 11/15/2024
VII. Appeal Procedures for Violations of Athletic Rules, Policies and Regulations:
A. A parent or guardian (not student) may appeal a decision made by a school district employee. This appeal must be made in writing, spelling out the reasons for the appeal, within 24 hours, after the parent/guardian has been notified of the violation and the penalty to be imposed. If no written appeal is made within the specified time limits, the right to appeal will be forfeited.
B. If a parent/guardian has made a written appeal the time lines set forth below will be strictly followed. If at any point the parent/guardian fails to follow the time line, the penalties will be promptly enforced. If, however, the school fails to follow the time line the penalties will be dismissed.
C. In an effort to eliminate misunderstandings school days are defined to be Monday through Fridays, excluding National Holidays.
D. The following steps constitute the athletic appeal process and the order of events:
- Athletic violations will initially be dealt with by the Athletic Director.
- A parent or guardian may appeal the Athletic Director’s decision with the High School Principal providing such appeal is made, in writing, within 24 hours after discussing this matter with the Athletic Director. If no such appeal is made, the penalties will be promptly enforced.
- If a parent or guardian is not satisfied with the decision made by the High School Principal, an appeal may be made to the Superintendent. Said appeal must be made, in writing, within 24 hours. If no such appeal is made, the penalties will be promptly enforced.
- If the parent/guardian wishes to make an appeal to the Superintendent, such written request may be given to either the High School Principal or the Superintendent.
- The Superintendent shall be the final step in the appeal process. The Superintendent or his designee will meet within one school day or 24 hours after receiving a request to appeal.
- The Superintendent will examine the merits of the case and render a final decision within one school day (24 hours). These rules, regulations, and policies may be changed from time to time, as necessary, by the Gobles Board of Education and the Michigan High School Athletic Association.